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Weekly Online Magazine
ISSN 2544-5839

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Work In Media

Terms of Use.

The Terms and Conditions are effective from May 25, 2018, following amendments introduced by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals concerning personal data processing and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR).

Chapter I. Definitions

1.1. These terms set forth the rules for Users to use services provided by the Service Provider through the website, accessible online at, hereinafter referred to as the Service.

1.2. In these Terms, the Service Provider is the company Bartłomiej Dwornik, based in Wrocław, postal code 51-200, at Kasztelańska St. 21/3, identified by VAT ID 886-194-79-23.

1.3. Terms used in these regulations mean the following:

  • User – a person who has successfully registered in the Service,
  • Post – a comment added by the User under an article,
  • Services – services provided through the Service to the User by the Service Provider or third parties.


Chapter II. General Terms of Use of Services

2.1. Use of the Services provided through the Service is voluntary and free for all Users.

2.2. Each User voluntarily uses the Services provided through the Service.

2.3. Proper use of all Services provided through the Service is only possible using a PC, Mac, or similar device connected to the internet, or a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, equipped with an operating system (e.g., Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android) and a web browser (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Safari).


Chapter III. Registration in the Service, Data Protection

3.1. Using the Service does not require registration.

3.2. The Service Provider processes the following personal data for statistical and analytical purposes as defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016:

  • a) IP address,
  • b) accessed URL,
  • c) referral URL,
  • d) browser type used by the User,
  • e) technical information transmitted by HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

3.3. The data administrator is the publisher, Bartłomiej Dwornik, based in Wrocław, postal code 51-200, at Kasztelańska St. 21/3, VAT ID 886-194-79-23.

3.4. Detailed data processing policies are described in the Privacy Policy.

3.5. Using Services provided on the Service may require consent to store information, particularly small text files (cookies), or access such files on the User`s device. These files do not alter the device`s configuration or install or uninstall any programs, viruses, or trojans. They do not interfere with the system or data and can be deleted at any time by the User.

3.6. The User can refuse consent by configuring their browser settings.

3.7. The Service Provider may terminate the agreement with the User for significant reasons, particularly if:

  • a) the User`s purpose in using the Service is clearly contrary to the Service`s purpose,
  • b) the User`s activities are contrary to public norms, incite violence or crime, or infringe on the rights of third parties,
  • c) the User grossly violates these Terms or third-party rights, including those of other Users,
  • d) the User posts offensive or vulgar content or advertisements in Posts.

3.8. The Service Provider terminates the agreement with a 14-day notice period after notifying the User to cease actions justifying the termination, giving an additional 3-day minimum deadline, after which a termination statement can be issued.

3.9. The User may terminate the agreement with the Service Provider at any time without cause, by using the appropriate Service feature or sending an email to


Chapter IV. Responsibilities of the Parties

4.1. By using the Services, each User commits to:

  • a) respecting applicable laws, particularly regarding personal data protection and the personal rights of others,
  • b) following these Terms,
  • c) using the Services and tools available in the Service as intended, especially not for illegal purposes,
  • d) refraining from using techniques or devices that disrupt IT infrastructure,
  • e) not engaging in activities contrary to the purpose of the Services.

4.2. The User should keep their access data to the Services confidential.

4.3. The User may post advertisements or other commercial content within designated Services only. Such content is not permitted in Posts.

4.4. The User should not use the Service for political, religious, or other topics unrelated to the Service`s subject matter.

4.5. The Service Provider is not liable for actions or omissions by Users, particularly for infringement of personal rights or third-party copyrights by Users.

4.6. The Service Provider is not liable for third-party actions based on opinions and comments disseminated on the Service.

4.7. The Service Provider may conduct Service maintenance. During maintenance, some or all Services and functions may be partially or completely unavailable. The Service Provider will notify Users in advance of planned maintenance.

4.8. The User may use software and server space provided by the Service Provider to create and distribute any works and content, subject to the conditions set forth below.

4.9. The User may only distribute works they authored or have rights to distribute.

4.10. The User consents to the Service Provider’s dissemination of their works online, accessible to others at any time and place.

4.11. The User grants the Service Provider a free, unlimited license to use distributed works for Service or Provider promotion.

4.12. The User must refrain from illegal or inappropriate actions, specifically:

  • a) disseminating illegal content, promoting racial, religious, or ethnic hatred, or promoting violence,
  • b) using offensive language or violating netiquette,
  • c) distributing works where third parties hold copyrights without permission,
  • d) promoting commercial entities or goods/services unless allowed by the Service Provider,
  • e) collecting and processing personal data of other Users unlawfully.

4.13. The Service Provider is not liable for content or data distributed by the User, especially in Posts.

4.14. The Service Provider may block access or delete User-distributed data, especially Posts, if informed of unlawful nature or if non-compliant with these Terms.


Chapter V. Terms and Types of Services

5.1. The User acknowledges and agrees that their comments are publicly available online. The User consents to other Users commenting on their posts.

5.2. The Service Provider may block or suspend the User’s access to Posts if:

  • a) the User grossly infringes personal rights,
  • b) the User breaches legal regulations,
  • c) Posts are incompatible with these Terms,
  • d) Posts are advertisements or spam.

5.3. The Service Provider may, at its discretion:

  • a) moderate User content before posting,
  • b) restrict certain Post types to registered Users only.


Chapter VI. Complaints

6.1. Each User may file a complaint regarding:

  • a) the method or quality of service provision,
  • b) Service operations.

6.2. The User files complaints via email at or by mail to, Kasztelańska St. 21/3, 51-200 Wrocław, including:

  • a) user identification data,
  • b) type of Service and subject of the complaint,
  • c) circumstances justifying the complaint,
  • d) User’s claim.

6.3. If the complaint does not meet the conditions of section 6.2, the Service Provider will request completion by sending an email to the User.

6.4. The Service Provider will address the complaint promptly, no later than 14 calendar days from its submission, notifying the User of the resolution. If section 6.3 applies, the 14-day period begins after the User completes the complaint.

6.5. Upon a positive complaint resolution, the Service Provider will provide the Service in accordance with User’s request.


Chapter VII. Final Provisions

7.1. The Service Provider reserves the right to change these Terms for important reasons, particularly due to changes in Service scope or applicable laws. Changes become effective two weeks after User notification.

7.2. Notification of changes may occur through posting relevant information on the Service or when logging into the User`s account, or by email.

7.3. If the User disagrees with the updated Terms, they may terminate the agreement and delete their account with a two-week notice.

7.4. These Terms are effective as of May 25, 2018.


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© Bartłomiej Dwornik 2oo1-2o25