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Weekly Online Magazine
ISSN 2544-5839

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Phishing in the Cryptocurrency Industry. Fake Recruitments Steal Data

Piotr Rozmiarek
Security researchers have detected a social engineering campaign targeting job seekers in the Web3 industry. The attack aims to conduct fake job interviews via a meeting application that installs information-stealing malware.

SLAPP Lawsuits in Europe. How Journalists and Activists Are Silenced

Krzysztof Fiedorek
The number of strategic lawsuits aimed at intimidating journalists, activists, and civil society organizations is increasing in Europe. According to the CASE SLAPPs Report 2024, as many as 1,049 such cases were identified between 2010 and 2023.

Why do People Spread Disinformation? Results of DigiPatch Research

Ewelina Krajczyńska-Wujec
People strongly driven by the need for power are more likely to share posts on social media, including disinformation. Power itself, like the need to gain prestige and recognition, is not associated with the frequency of spreading false information, according to research involving Professor Małgorzata Kossowska from the Jagiellonian University.

How South Asian Governments Manipulate Media. IFJ Report

Krzysztof Fiedorek
South Asia faces significant challenges in maintaining democracy and press freedom. The latest report from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), "Artificial Independence: The Fight To Save Media and Democracy," highlights the growing threats faced by journalists, including violence, financial pressures, and censorship.

Unsolved Journalist Murders: CPJ Report 2024

Haiti and Israel have topped the latest report by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on impunity in journalist murders. Worldwide, 80% of cases remain unsolved. The report explores why those who kill journalists evade accountability, highlighting the countries leading this grim statistic and its impact on press freedom.

Online Hate in Numbers. What Do We Think About Offensive Comments?

Nearly 70% of adults have encountered online hate. The group most affected includes individuals aged 18–24, with 81% reporting exposure to hateful content - according to the report "Hate on the Internet," prepared by the polish Foundation "W zgodzie ze sobą" in cooperation with Maison&Partners and the Ariadna research panel.

How #MeToo Changed Journalism. Report by Reporters Without Borders

Krzysztof Fiedorek
The #MeToo movement has turned the media world upside down, creating new spaces to fight for women’s rights and confronting journalists with challenges they hadn’t previously faced. From new editorial roles to increasing cyberbullying threats, journalism is undergoing a revolution, and feminist media is gaining strength to openly address violence and discrimination.

Illusory Security. Small and Medium Enterprises Easy Targets for Cybercrime

35% of micro, small, and medium enterprises (SMEs) fear the theft of their employees' personal data. This comes from research conducted on behalf of and the National Debt Register of Poland.

Cyberwarfare on the Internet. The ESET Report

Governments, corporations, and even the education sector are becoming targets of advanced cyber attacks. The report for the period from October 2023 to March 2024, prepared by ESET, sheds light on the intensification of activities by Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups, which conduct espionage, sabotage, and destabilization operations in key sectors on behalf of states.

Data for Benefits: What Encourages Sharing Personal Information Online

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Most Poles are aware of the value of their personal data and do not share it without reason. However, one in five is willing to share data in exchange for benefits, and 16% of us do not remember if we have done so. These are the results of a study conducted by and the National Debt Register under the patronage of the UODO.

Cyber Threats 2023: Phishing Dominates, AI Targeted

Krzysztof Fiedorek
The CERT Orange Polska 2023 report reveals a rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape. Phishing has taken a decisive lead, accounting for over 44% of reported incidents. Advanced social engineering techniques, deepfakes, and a surge in malicious ads lure users with promises of quick profits or easy opportunities.

Quishing. How to Protect Yourself from QR Code Scams

Krzysztof Fiedorek
According to analysts from Keepnet Labs, quishing will be one of the most serious threats to businesses and individuals in 2024. In 2023, the number of data or money theft cases using this method increased globally by 587%.

Cyber Attack on a Corporate Smartphone. How to Protect Yourself

Internet-connected mobile devices are an attractive target for cybercriminals. The key to protecting sensitive business data is employee awareness, hardware solutions, and appropriate software. This mini-guide provides a quick overview of how to protect each of these areas.

Deepfake. A Powerful New Weapon in The Information War

Krzysztof Fiedorek
One of the newest threats to the credibility of information is deepfake technology. Deepfake is a type of false video or audio material where the person in the recording appears to speak or behave in a way that does not align with reality.

Sharenting, or Photos of Children Online. IRCenter Study

Parents who are internet users eagerly share information about their children online. They publish images, personal information, or life events, often unaware of the risks. Research company IRCenter examined this area of Polish internet activity.

Hate in the Polish Internet. IRCenter Study

Krzysztof Fiedorek
The proportion of hate speech victims is inversely proportional to the age of internet users. The study authors point out that this is directly influenced by the fact that older generations are instilled with the principles of respectful discussion and use the internet less frequently.

Children’s Online Safety. Clickmeeting Analysis

Over half of surveyed parents believe their children are aware of the dangers lurking online. At the same time, just over 40 percent of respondents admit to taking steps to protect their children’s privacy online.

Harassment of Female Journalists in Poland. Zamenhof Institute Report

Over half of female journalists have experienced harassment. The report and a dedicated website for the project,, present real, anonymous stories of harassed female journalists, along with numerical data documenting the scale of the issue.

Cybersecurity Market and Online Privacy in Poland in 2022

The value of the cybersecurity market in 2022 will exceed PLN 2 billion, according to the latest report by PMR analysts. At the same time, a study by ClickMeeting reveals that over 57% of Poles believe they are already taking proper care of their online privacy.

How to Detect Pegasus on Your Phone and Protect Against Spying

The nature of spyware is to remain as hidden as possible, making it difficult to detect on a device. However, some mechanisms can help verify if a smartphone has been compromised.

Big Data in Poland. Companies Lack Ideas for Data Utilization

Only 11 to 16 percent of domestic companies report using Big Data solutions, according to a survey by OVH and Intel. Among companies that have not yet used Big Data, only 2 percent plan to adopt this technology this year. Meanwhile, nearly all large and small companies admit to collecting customer data.

GDPR in Media. Regulations Complicate Campaign Planning and Execution

Most Polish news portals and online stores have adopted consent mechanisms designed in a way that makes it hard to refuse consent

What Data Google Collects. Privacy on the Internet

According to a report – May 2018, Google captures over 97% of internet users. Currently, many free applications are available to users. What does Google collect? When using the most popular search engine, we should be aware of how our data is collected and used.

Recognizing Fake News. Technologies for Creating False Information

Artificial intelligence is increasingly used to fake information. Software now allows manipulation of public appearances by politicians. Bots are also used more often in Poland, with hate speech and trolling among the internet’s biggest threats.

GDPR and Press Releases. Is Journalists' Consent Required?

After May 24, will it be possible to send press releases to journalists without concern, or is it safer to obtain their consent? Industry experts and lawyers explained GDPR regulations on this topic to news agency journalists.

Models of Journalistic Organizations

Zenon Kuczera
An overview, operational principles, and characteristics of journalistic organizations operating in Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States.

Psychology of Politics: Extremism

Krzysztof Dowgird
The term "extremist," according to the dictionary definition, refers to "a person with extreme views, a radical, an advocate of extreme, ultimate measures." In relation to political extremism, this means, first, views of an extreme nature (including approval for the use of force to solve political problems).

Local Media in Poland - The Press Owner Influence

Bartłomiej Dwornik
The editor-in-chief, according to the provisions of the Press Law, should be responsible for the content of the materials prepared by the editorial team as well as for the editorial and financial matters of the editorial office. This is the theory.

Local Media in Poland - Freedom of Speech

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Abuse of freedom of speech is as common as imposing muzzles on journalists. Although the Press Law and the Constitution guarantee this fundamental freedom to everyone.

Local Media in Poland - Workshop and Ethics

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Every day, journalists face the dilemma of whether to report on something or to omit it. Where does information end, and where does violation of privacy begin?

Local Media in Poland - Corrections

Bartłomiej Dwornik
The regulations regarding corrections are perhaps the most frequently violated rule in Polish media. There is a clear division between those who never admit to mistakes and those who can humbly accept their faults.

Local Media in Poland - Court Cases

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Investigative journalists in local newsrooms often remain in the shadow of their colleagues from national outlets, despite frequently being the first to uncover a scandal.

Local Media in Poland - Announcements

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Research by ComPress Agency, conducted among journalists in 2001, indicates that only 7 percent of them believe that PR specialists and press spokespeople understand journalists' needs well.


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Okładka Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Okładka The 40-Day Social Media Fast
The 40-Day Social Media Fast
Okładka Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Okładka Beyond The Feed: A Social Media Success Formula
Beyond The Feed: A Social Media Success Formula
Okładka Trust Me, I`m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Trust Me, I`m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Okładka Hate, Inc.: Why Today`s Media Makes Us Despise One Another
Hate, Inc.: Why Today`s Media Makes Us Despise One Another
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