history of the media
Hind Nawfal and Al Fatat. The First Women's Magazine in the Arab World
Małgorzata Dwornik
The Egyptian phenomenon, founded by the "mother of female journalists," lasted only two years in the market. However, in that short time, it accomplished so much for Arab women that it is still called a "revolutionary" today. The Arab "Girl" and its founder were the first significant female voices in this culture.
Vanuatu Daily Post. 30 Years of Struggle (Including Fistfights) for Free Media
Małgorzata Dwornik
Ambition and hard work are not enough to keep a newspaper running. The most popular title in exotic Vanuatu today nearly shared the fate of its many forgotten predecessors. But fate had other plans - thanks to an unexpected reunion and... a phone book. What followed was even more interesting. And not always safe.
History of The Honolulu Advertiser. From Missionaries to a Merger with Rival
Małgorzata Dwornik
It was created to outdo unreliable competition. Early world news arrived via boat. It didn’t hire Mark Twain, but Jack London wrote for it. The story of Hawaii’s oldest newspaper spans 154 years of ups, downs, and radical changes in direction. In 2010, to survive a losing war of attrition with its biggest rival, it had to merge with it.
History of Television in Australia. It All Began with a Studio in a Windmill
Małgorzata Dwornik
Already in 1885, thanks to Telephane, an invention by Henry Sutton, it was possible to watch horse races for the Melbourne Cup. The first real television broadcasts, conducted from 1934 at the old windmill on Wickham Terrace in Brisbane, were watched by only 18 television owners, but by the following year, test transmissions had begun in other major cities.
The History of Title Case. Where Did Capitalized Titles Come From?
Krzysztof Fiedorek
Title Case, a style where most words in titles begin with a capital letter, has shaped the look of English publications for centuries. Its roots trace back to the 18th century when the rise of the printing press influenced how information was presented.
Le Nouvelliste. History of Haiti's Oldest Daily Newspaper
Małgorzata Dwornik
Surviving its first year only due to a wine and potato importer, it held a monopoly on news from France. It meticulously avoided blending news with commentary - until the U.S. occupation of Haiti in 1915. It was elevated to the top by a trio known as the “Holy Monsters.” Thus begins the story of the Haitian daily, Le Nouvelliste.
Haveeru Daily ހަވީރު. History of the Longest-Running Newspaper in Maldives
Małgorzata Dwornik
Since its inception, the newspaper has faced unexpected challenges. From having to print on manual presses, to legal battles over title rights, to occupation strikes at the publishing house, arrests of journalists, and even arson at its headquarters. In 2024, the editorial team (once again) won the right to publish the paper in court. Readers hope that this time, it’s here to stay.
Kevin Carter. The Story of a Bang-Bang Club Photojournalist
Małgorzata Dwornik
His photo from Sudan, "The Vulture and the Little Girl", became an iconic image. Earlier, risking the death penalty, he and his friends documented apartheid crimes in his native South Africa. Kevin Carter, a Pulitzer Prize winner and the creator of thousands of powerful images, struggled with the weight of what he witnessed through his camera.
History of WSB Radio. The Listener Has No Radio Receiver? No Problem!
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first transmitter had only 100 watts of power, and ice was used to cool the batteries. On March 15, 1922, the first radio station in Georgia began broadcasting. The station was assigned the call letters WSB, which the founders transformed into the motto: Welcome South, Brother! This marked the start of one of the most important radio stations in the USA.
Atuagagdliutit Grønlandsposten. The History of Greenlandic News
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first issue, published in 1861, had eight pages, an unusual column numbering system, and a print run of 300 copies. At the time, it was one of the few illustrated newspapers in the world and the first to print in color. Its purpose was to encourage Greenlanders to read - a mission it has continued for 163 years. Today, its motto is: "A week without AG is not a real week."
Fredrik Carl Mülertz Størmer. Story of the First Paparazzo in the World
Małgorzata Dwornik
The combination of fascination and shyness gave birth to the profession of taking hidden photos, a practice now used by paparazzi. The pioneer of this was a Norwegian scientist, a brilliant mathematician, and astrophysicist who combined Nikola Tesla's techniques with military spy technology. He confessed to this only at age 70. Here is the story of Professor Fredrik Størmer, the world's first paparazzo.
Die Burger. The History of the World’s Largest Afrikaans Newspaper
Małgorzata Dwornik
Founded in 1915 by Afrikaners from the Union of South Africa, this newspaper embodies colonial history in a nutshell. On one hand, it supported independence and a local language; on the other, it actively endorsed apartheid until its end. Polish connections and renowned internet brands from our country are also part of this story.
John Peter Zenger. The Story of the First Fighter for Freedom of Speech
Małgorzata Dwornik
As early as 1725, he printed the "New York Gazette," the first newspaper in New York. He published "The New York Weekly Journal," the first independent title free from government control. He became the world’s first journalist jailed for criticizing a politician in a newspaper.
Lietuvos Aidas. Lithuanian Newspaper That Was Born Three Times
Małgorzata Dwornik
In Lithuania, Lietuvos Aidas is sometimes called "The School of the Nation." This newspaper laid the foundation for free Lithuanian journalism and greatly contributed to the restoration of statehood. It appeared in 1918, disappearing from the market for years at a time, only to return and shape the direction of Lithuanian journalism.
Weekly News Of The World. History of Success and Downfall
Małgorzata Dwornik
The publication appeared on the market in 1843 and quickly gained popularity. In the 1930s, Winston Churchill contributed to its pages. Two decades later, it set a world record with 8.6 million copies, thriving on sensationalism and scandal. Crossing boundaries ultimately sealed the fate of News of The World. It disappeared in 2011 due to a massive phone-hacking scandal.
Il Foglio. History of Italian Daily Whose Founder Hid Behind an Elephant
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first issues lacked photos but featured drawings and caricatures. Editorial articles appeared only on the third page, and all texts except columns were anonymous. This was how the first issue of the new daily newspaper, published in Milan in 1996, looked. A newspaper that, uniquely in Italy today, does not incur losses.
MONCAME. The news agency from Mongolia transmitted in Morse code
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first telegraphic dispatch from March 18, 1921, was published only by the Soviet Pravda. The first country to recognize it as an official source of information was South Africa in 1922. The hallmark of the Mongolian news agency MONTA, now MONCAME, was transmitting dispatches in Morse code.
Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. Newspaper with Its Own Flag on Antarctica
Małgorzata Dwornik
On January 1, 1920, the first issue of the weekly "News from the Kyrgyz Region" was published. A year later, it was renamed "Steppe Truth," eventually becoming the daily "Soviet Steppe." Since January 1932, Kazakhstan's most popular title has been known as Казахстанская правда (Kazakhstanskaya Pravda). For over a century, it has alternately supported the authorities, scrutinized them, and sometimes faced the consequences... of telling the truth.
POLITIKA. The History of Serbia's Oldest Daily Newspaper
Małgorzata Dwornik
In 1904, journalist Wladislaw F. Ribnikar founded Serbia's first independent newspaper. Opponents predicted a quick failure for *Politika*, the government viewed it with suspicion, but readers... were captivated by its new quality. Ribnikar laid the foundations for modern Serbian journalism, but his successors faced mixed fortunes.
La Stampa. The History of the Oldest Newspaper in Italy
Małgorzata Dwornik
It was founded in Turin as Gazzetta Piemontese. Over more than 150 years, it built its position as an iconic title not only in the Italian press market. It survived attacks from fascists, terrorists, and even Muammar Gaddafi. Even in the era of the internet, it continues to perform exceptionally well.
Journal de Monaco. The History of the Weekly That "Brings Monaco Closer"
Małgorzata Dwornik
In 1858, Carles de Lorbac established the weekly L’Eden to raise awareness of Monaco's issues, which a year later was renamedJournal de Monaco. Starting as a cultural weekly, it has undergone several changes but continues to be valued by the residents of this small country.
The Kathmandu Post. History of Nepal's First Independent Daily Newspaper
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first issue of The Kathmandu Post was published on Thursday, February 17, 1993. It had eight pages and aimed to fight injustice. Within a week, it became the most-read publication in the country, though not everyone welcomed its success.
Reporters Without Borders. The History of Reporters Sans Frontières
Małgorzata Dwornik
In June 1985, in Montpellier, France, four journalists inspired by the work of Médecins Sans Frontières decided to create a similar organization in the media world. Today, RSF has 134 correspondents worldwide, with many successes... and controversies.
Radio Tirana. History of a Broadcasting Station Founded by Royal Decree
Małgorzata Dwornik
On November 28, 1938, King Zogu I and his wife, Queen Geraldine, officially inaugurated Albania's first radio station. Radio Tirana kept its origins a secret for decades. When it finally revealed its early history, the revelation surprised not only listeners but even its own staff.
Barbara Walters. The Queen of Impossible Interviews from ABC Television
Małgorzata Dwornik
Barbara Walters began her media career in 1951 with advertising and producing a children's program. In the 1960s, she shattered the glass ceiling. Her interviews on NBC brought her to the height of popularity, but it was her programs on ABC that earned her the title of the queen of television.
Ràdio Andorra. The Legend of the Station That Greeted in Three Languages
Małgorzata Dwornik
From its inception, the station broadcasting from the tiny Principality of Andorra in the Pyrenees was a thorn in the side - first to the Germans, then the French, and the Spanish. The conflict over Ràdio Andorra even led to the border being closed to... sheep. After four decades of struggle, the station, known across Europe and the USA, fell silent. But was it forever?
Mada Masr. History of Egyptian Online Newspaper That Started on a Beach
Małgorzata Dwornik
On June 17, 2013, at the first editorial meeting, everyone sat on the floor. There were no chairs. There were no desks or money either. But there was passion, 17 ready articles, and a nameplate on the door: Office of the Artists Formerly Known as “Egypt Independent.”
Christiane Amanpour. A Fighter for Freedom of Speech at CNN
Małgorzata Dwornik
Her reports from war fronts and social documentaries brought her recognition. Her uncompromising interviews with the most influential figures in global politics earned her fame and respect. Christiane Amanpour is a living legend of the media and an advocate for women's, children's, and minority rights. Get to know her better.
History of Folha de São Paulo. Brazilian Newspaper with a Guinness Record
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first issue was published on February 19, 1921, and the editorial team... quickly found itself at odds with Brazilian censorship. It was neither the first nor the last time. Over the years, the newspaper has faced countless clashes with the government, the military, and insurgent groups. The editorial office has suffered repression and acts of violence. However, its readers have always stood firmly by its side.
History of De Standaard. A Flemish Newspaper with a Turbulent Past
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first issue was supposed to reach readers on November 25, 1914. However, the outbreak of World War I disrupted these plans. The newspaper finally debuted on December 4, 1918. It survived another war, a publication ban, bankruptcy, and the digital revolution. More than a century later, it remains strong.
Larry King. One Man, 50 Thousands Interviews
Małgorzata Dwornik
In 1955, twenty-two-year-old Leibel Zeiger knocked on the door of a new radio station, WAHR, in Florida. He passed a voice test and was hired… to mop floors. Two years later, he was sitting in front of the microphone himself. The station owner gave him one condition: change his name to something more "radio-friendly." Thus, Larry King was born.
Playboy. The History of a Magazine Entertaining... Everyone
Małgorzata Dwornik
It was 1953 when young journalist Hugh Hefner took out a mortgage loan and convinced 45 shareholders to finance his idea for an erotic magazine named Stag Party. However, when STAG Publishing threatened to sue for trademark infringement, Hefner changed the name to PLAYBOY.
History of Public Relations. From Ancient Times to a Field of Study
Małgorzata Dwornik
Public Relations - two words we come across several times daily. We hear them on TV and radio, and read them in newspapers. PR - two letters that can sometimes cause quite a stir.
The Fourth Estate in America: I Write, Therefore I Am...
Urszula Sienkiewicz
The press in the United States, extensively discussed before, has another intriguing niche that cannot be overlooked when talking about American media. Magazines: weekly and monthly publications for enthusiasts.
The Fourth Estate in America: Sex and Violence
Urszula Sienkiewicz
The media in the United States include many "business sharks" who prioritize their own interests and corporate profits over the public good. The average American spends 8 hours a day on mass media—4 hours on television, 3 on radio, half an hour on recreational music, and the remaining minutes on reading.
The Fourth Estate in America: The Irresistible Charm of the Glass Screen
Urszula Sienkiewicz
While war raged in Europe, a new craze took hold in the United States. In just a few years, a new idol took the prime spot in American homes—the television.
The Fourth Estate in America: The Elder Sister of Television
Urszula Sienkiewicz
The early 1920s brought Americans a new, inspiring source of information—radio. Almost every household, in both big cities and suburbs, welcomed the magical wooden box that provided entertainment like never before.
The Fourth Estate in America: Pioneers of Free Speech - the Press
Urszula Sienkiewicz
In 1990, the press in the United States celebrated its 300th anniversary. Despite an unsuccessful attempt to influence colonial authorities in 1690 and the immediate shutdown of the journal "The Publick Occurrences: Both Foreign and Domestick," American advocates for free speech continued to seek ways to criticize British rule.
The Fourth Estate in America
Urszula Sienkiewicz
Success, prestige, power, but above all, big money - these are the first words associated with the world of media in the United States. Do American media truly wield such influence over business and politics in the USA that they can be called the "fourth estate" without hesitation?
Słowo Polskie. A Polish Daily with Over a Century of Tradition
Cezary Kaszewski
"Słowo Polskie" began its life in Lwów, with the first issue published on Christmas Eve, 1895. The newspaper quickly gained readership. By 1902, its circulation exceeded 10,000, and three years later, it reached 20,000, making it the first high-circulation daily in Galicia.
Control is Better
Ignacio Ramonet
The noblest duty of media professionals is to expose cases of law violations. For fulfilling this duty, they have often had to pay a high price. However, for a long time, citizens - at least in democratic societies—could rely on the press and other media in their fight against abuses of power.
The History of Radio Broadcasting
Agnieszka Osińska
Radio emerged almost simultaneously with film at the dawn of the 20th century, as the growth of the press pushed culture past the so-called second threshold of mass distribution. Alexander Popov and Guglielmo Marconi are considered its pioneers, though only Marconi succeeded in patenting the invention.
The Beginnings and Development of Press Studies
Agnieszka Osińska
In the 17th century, with the emergence of periodical printing, the press became a subject of analysis as a new form of disseminating human thought and social influence. In 1901, Gabriel Tarde, in his study "L'Opinion et la foule," distinguished between a crowd and an audience.
The Press in Historical Perspective
Agnieszka Osińska
Researchers trace the prehistory of modern press back to ancient times when primitive forms of mass communication began to emerge.
The History of Press Photography
Bartłomiej Dwornik
The birth of photography is dated to 1839, when French painter Louis Daguerre announced the principles of daguerreotype (an image projected through a lens onto a silver-plated copper sheet, developed with mercury vapor, and fixed with sodium thiosulfate).
The Beginnings of Periodical Publishing in Poland
Bartłomiej Dwornik
The first printed works - non-periodical "flyer newspapers" - appeared in Poland in the early 16th century. They were published only for significant occasions to describe these events, sometimes even in verse.
The History of Television
In 1875, Ernest von Siemens constructed the first photocell. Two years later, Julian Ochorowicz, a Polish psychologist, developed the theoretical foundations of monochromatic television. In 1924, Scotsman John Baird transmitted an image over a distance. In Poland, we waited until 1952 for the first broadcast.