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Weekly Online Magazine
ISSN 2544-5839

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Preschoolers Expose Hypocrites. Findings from SWPS University

ekr/ bar/
Even preschool children are able to recognize hypocrites, whom they rate worse than other people who break the rules, researchers from SWPS University in Poland demonstrate. Caregivers should therefore pay attention to whether their actions are consistent with their declarations, because children are careful observers of moral integrity.

It's Easier to Lie and Swear in Foreign Language. Here is Scientific Proof

Ewelina Krajczyńska-Wujec
A decision made based on data presented in a learned foreign language may be different than if you made it based on data in your native language. Language changes the intensity of felt emotions, and it affects the ability to analyse problems and choose solutions, according to research by Rafał Muda, PhD.

Video, Photo, or Text? What Really Works in Social Campaigns

Can ecology go viral? How can complex environmental issues be communicated in an engaging and effective way? A study by Wenye Mao and Yuko Nishide from Tohoku University analyzes two elements of narrative strategy: the type of medium (posts, posters, videos) and the mode of storytelling (individual vs. group).

Computer-Assisted Reporting. Can algorithms replace journalists?

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Can algorithms replace journalists? This question keeps coming back, especially in an era of the growing role of artificial intelligence and automation. However, instead of painting apocalyptic visions of newsrooms filled with robots, it is worth looking at the tools that are already changing how information is created and analyzed.

AI Slop and Microtargeting. Why You Should NOT LIKE the Bread Horse

Bartłomiej Dwornik
"I grew this garlic chive all by myself on the windowsill. But I bet you won't congratulate me." Do you also see an influx of such posts in online communities? Be careful. This is called AI slop (or Boomer Trap), and it is NOT just a harmless game or entertainment. It is a well-thought-out mechanism in which the currency is you. First, your time and engagement. And soon, your money.

How ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Other Large Language Models Work

Krzysztof Fiedorek
These powerful algorithms can generate text, translate languages, write various types of creative content, and answer your questions in a way that often feels like a conversation with a person. But how is it possible for a machine to mimic human intelligence so well?

Visual Tricks. How to Influence People with Color, Shape and Composition

Bartłomiej Dwornik
The human brain supposedly processes images up to 60,000 times faster than words. Bright colors catch the eye more — but only under certain conditions. Few people can resist the "Apache Method," and a bearded man sells better. Here are some tricks for graphical-optical mind hacking.

Cold Mailing: What is the Optimal Word Count for Best Results?

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Forget about popular guidelines for marketers that can be found on Google. An analyst from conducted a study of a massive database of 34 million emails requesting contact. It turns out that the world of marketing cold mailing looks quite different today.

Social Influence of Virtual Avatars. A Study by SWPS University

How confident are we in our judgments, and how well can we defend our own opinions? There’s a good chance that we might change our views under the influence of a group of avatars in virtual reality. Researchers from SWPS University studied human susceptibility to the opinions of others, including virtual characters.

How to Write an Article That Google Loves and People Understand

Bartłomiej Dwornik
The order of priorities in this guide's title is intentional. In 2024, to reach a larger audience, you must first convince the algorithms to display your content to readers. First - the article must be factually sound. Second - it should look appealing and be easy to read. We’ll focus on the latter.

Sarcasm in Communication. A Study by INSEAD Researchers

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Sarcasm can be a valuable tool in interpersonal communication, but its effectiveness depends on the context and the relationship between the sender and the receiver. Researchers at INSEAD have shown that well-utilized sarcasm can be a powerful asset in business language and advertising.

Betteridge's Law: Is Every Headline with a Question Mark a Gimmick?

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Betteridge's Law is a journalism hypothesis suggesting that any headline ending with a question mark can be answered with “no.” This rule applies to yes-or-no questions. It wasn’t actually created by Ian Betteridge and… it’s mostly untrue.

On TikTok, Music Rules. Three Tips from an Expert on How to Leverage It

Music dominates TikTok – more specifically, well-chosen music, as it often determines the success of a video, educational campaign, or advertisement. How should a company select music for TikTok content? Tips from Wojciech Psiuk, music supervisor from Sirens.

Readability: Tools for Journalists to Enhance Text Clarity

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Even the most substantive content must be presented in an accessible and visually appealing way. First, so the reader can understand it. Second, to be easy on the eyes. In both cases, machines can help. Here are some tools for measuring text readability that every journalist might find useful.

Where to Publish Your Own Articles? Start Your Own Website

Bartłomiej Dwornik
If you want to try your hand at citizen journalism or simply run your own thematic blog, you’ll eventually face the decision of choosing your own domain name and server to host your site. In a report published by, you’ll find expert advice on how to get started.

Common Mistakes in Creating Content for Websites

Bartłomiej Dwornik
What mistakes should you avoid at all costs to ensure that the often costly work of attracting traffic from Google doesn’t go to waste? Check out the insights from experts asked by in the recently published report "Search Engine Marketing."

Writing for the Web. The 4x4 Rule for Content Optimization

Bartłomiej Dwornik
How do you craft a Google-friendly title, what’s the ideal article length, and how often should you use keywords? A guide for those writing for websites.

Traditional Media Still Plays a Key Role in PR

Flor Calveiro
The latest trend research from Worldcom PR Group EMEA has shown that, despite the growing importance of social media, the position of "traditional" media remains steadfast and continues to play a key role in public relations activities.

How Information is Created?

Agnieszka Osińska
The media construct the world for us - the audience. However, most viewers, listeners, or readers do not have direct access to the issues discussed in the reports.

Max Weber's Theory of Political Sociology

Krzysztof Dowgird
Max Weber, a German sociologist who lived from 1864 to 1920, was undoubtedly the greatest non-Marxist sociologist of political relations. He had a tremendous and enduring impact on many branches of social sciences, including the sociology of political relations.

Psychology of Politics: Extremism

Krzysztof Dowgird
The term "extremist," according to the dictionary definition, refers to "a person with extreme views, a radical, an advocate of extreme, ultimate measures." In relation to political extremism, this means, first, views of an extreme nature (including approval for the use of force to solve political problems).


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Okładka Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
Okładka The 40-Day Social Media Fast
The 40-Day Social Media Fast
Okładka Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
Okładka Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Okładka Trust Me, I`m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Trust Me, I`m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Okładka Hate, Inc.: Why Today`s Media Makes Us Despise One Another
Hate, Inc.: Why Today`s Media Makes Us Despise One Another
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