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ISSN 2544-5839

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When Will Every Advertisement Become... a Store? Omdia Forecasts

Global consumer spending online is growing at an unprecedented rate. By 2025, it will reach $4.4 trillion, with the US alone accounting for $1.4 trillion. The boundaries between advertising, entertainment, and commerce are blurring, ushering in a new era of digital consumption.

What to Do When a Child Bites Nails? Advice from a Child Psychologist patronage
For children, nail-biting is often a way to cope with boredom or stress. However, our role is to intervene when we notice this habit, not only for aesthetic reasons but also to address potential underlying causes. What might these be, and what can we do?

Predictive Analytics in Ads. Customer Doesn’t Know Yet, But Ad Does

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Artificial intelligence is changing the rules of marketing. Predicting customer behaviors through advanced AI algorithms and making data-driven decisions is already the present. The report "The State of AI," published by McKinsey, shows the impact this will have on the advertising and marketing industry.

What to Do When Your Child Lies? Advice from a Pedagogue patronage
Does your little one invent outrageous stories, and you’re unsure how to react? Does your child tell friends that you’ve traveled the world and that your dog speaks with a human voice? A pedagogue explains how to handle such situations and avoid them in the future. The weekly is the media patron of the series.

Influencer Advertising. Teenagers Do Not Always Recognize It

The rise in the popularity of influencer-promoted content among young people raises issues with their ability to identify the commercial nature of this content. Subtler forms of promotion are often completely unrecognizable to younger teens.

Artificial Intelligence in B2B Sales. Forrester's Predictions for 2025

B2B boldly experimented with generative artificial intelligence in 2024, but next year, industry leaders plan to focus on sustainable solutions that increase revenue.

Advertising Without Cookies. Is the Industry Ready for a Digital Revolution?

Krzysztof Fiedorek
The year 2024 was set to bring a revolution to the advertising industry as Google announced the removal of cookies in the Chrome browser for millions of users, sparking the beginning of a cookie-free era. However, Google’s change of heart surprised the market. A report on this topic was prepared by analysts from ID5.

Artificial Intelligence, Real Results in Marketing. HubSpot Report

Although AI is a term that can sometimes evoke concerns, the "AI Trends Report 2024" compiled by analysts at HubSpot shows that for many, artificial intelligence is the future of marketing.

Child's Sleepless Nights? Educator Suggests Solutions for Parents patronage
Sleepless nights lead to fatigue, frustration, and worries about potential health issues for the child. Fortunately, most sleeping problems can be resolved by introducing appropriate habits and routines that help achieve a peaceful, restorative sleep.

Child with Dyslexia. A Therapist's Guide for Parents patronage
Dyslexia is a specific developmental disorder affecting reading and writing abilities. It can significantly impact a child's educational and emotional development. In Poland, as well as worldwide, it is being diagnosed more frequently. [#MAMYNATORADĘ under the patronage of]

Short Social Video. IAB Poland Report on Short Videos in Social Media

Krzysztof Fiedorek
According to the IAB Poland report from May 2024, short video clips are becoming increasingly popular in Poland. In 2023, 61% of internet users in Poland watched the format known as short social video, and 23% of them created such videos themselves. Polish internet users spend an average of 43 minutes a day watching them.

Polish Digital Advertising Market 2023/2024. IAB Poland Report

Krzysztof Fiedorek
The Strategic Internet Report 2023/2024 prepared by IAB Poland provides a detailed analysis of the Polish digital advertising market, showing its dynamic growth in 2023. The market value reached nearly 7.8 billion PLN, indicating an increase of over 870 million PLN compared to the previous year.

Customers Flirting with Service Bots. What Contact Center Research Says

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Research by Infobip shows that nearly 20% of Americans engage in flirtatious conversations with bots while handling standard customer service issues. This trend is particularly evident among people aged 35 to 44, where more than half of respondents admitted to flirting with a virtual assistant.

Cold Mailing: What is the Optimal Word Count for Best Results?

Krzysztof Fiedorek
Forget about popular guidelines for marketers that can be found on Google. An analyst from conducted a study of a massive database of 34 million emails requesting contact. It turns out that the world of marketing cold mailing looks quite different today.

LabOOOratorium. Education, Business and Win-Win-Win Cooperation

fundacja OOO
How to combine diversifying activities in kindergartens and schools with setting innovative trends in education and social engagement of businesses? The educational foundation Ogólnopolski Operator Oświaty and the company Musicon show how to do it right.

Poles do not forgive brands' mistakes. Armatis Customer Experience Index

Krzysztof Fiedorek
As many as 57.2% of Poles are willing to abandon a brand after one bad customer service experience. This result is similar to what was noted in the United States. Every third Polish customer prefers phone contact with a consultant, though over 13 percent now prefer chat.

Internet Subscriptions: Market Value, Development Trends, and... Risks

According to McKinsey & Company, the number of subscription users globally has increased by over 17% in the past year. A report from UBS Group AG indicates that the total value of the global subscription market will reach as much as $1.5 trillion by 2025. This is twice as much as in 2020!

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing. Industry Expectations and Concerns

Marketers using generative artificial intelligence see its potential but also perceive risks. The Generative AI Snapshot Series survey conducted by Salesforce and YouGov shows that the industry expects significant changes - and soon.

Bots on Hotlines. Armatis Customer Experience Index Study

Nearly two-thirds of Poles report encountering a chatbot or voice bot when contacting customer service. This type of service often triggers negative emotions. Almost three-quarters of Poles would prefer to wait in line for human assistance rather than be served immediately by a bot.

A Good Product is Not Enough. New Realities for Marketing are Coming
- Brands face many tests in credibility and transparency in the coming years. The era of neutrality is over - predicts Maciej Swoboda, Chief Revenue Officer at the agency Funktional, in an interview with

A Socially Responsible Company. This Image Pays Off

Poles and Spaniards are the most likely in Europe to buy from socially responsible companies, according to the Global State of the Consumer Tracker report, developed in late June by Deloitte’s consulting experts.

Dietary Supplements. How to Distinguish Information from Marketing

Ewa Zygadło-Kozaczuk
Where can you find reliable information about dietary supplements, and how can you distinguish factual information from advertising? The answer is not straightforward. In fact, additional doubts arise.

Dietary Supplements. How Products Masquerading as Medications are Sold

Ewa Zygadło-Kozaczuk
Colorful packaging entices us with miraculous health benefits, and we buy them, hoping for a fit body, good sleep, great mood, and excellent sex. But do we know what lies behind that magical pill, capsule, or syrup? Are we aware that these advertised products are merely masquerading as medications?

Browser Fingerprinting. Marketing Uses Digital Traces

A fingerprint created for each browser can identify not only a device but also a specific user. The data collected this way is mainly used for marketing purposes, which can result in cases where, for instance, a Mac user pays up to 30% more for the same product than a PC user.

Email Marketing Done Right. How to Avoid Ending Up in SPAM

One in three Poles receives between 10 and 20 promotional emails daily, and more than half receive at least 10, according to a study by Redlink. For an email to stand out among the competition and be read by the recipient, three key factors are essential, capturing the most attention from recipients.

Large Online Ads vs. AdBlock. Poland Leads in Both Metrics

Large-format online ads make up 14% of Poland's online market, according to analyses by Gemius. This is the highest percentage among all surveyed markets. Paired with data on the rising popularity of ad-blocking—done by one-third of Polish internet users—it raises questions about the future of these ads.

Contextual Advertising in Print Media. PBC Measured Its Effectiveness

Print advertising, when placed in the appropriate editorial context, attracts 67% more attention than ads in other sections, according to research conducted for Polskie Badania Czytelnictwa (PBC). Contextual ads hold the reader’s gaze longer and engage them more deeply.

Why Influencer Marketing Works? Newspoint Report

For over 70% of consumers, content created by influencers is the primary source of product information. It’s the fastest-growing method for companies to acquire new customers. In three years, the global influencer marketing industry could be worth as much as $10 billion, according to the "Analytics and Influencer Monitoring" report by Newspoint.

History of Public Relations. From Ancient Times to a Field of Study

Małgorzata Dwornik
Public Relations - two words we come across several times daily. We hear them on TV and radio, and read them in newspapers. PR - two letters that can sometimes cause quite a stir.

Do Ads on TV Annoy You? Think Again, It’s Quite the Opposite!

Bartłomiej Dwornik
Advertisements don’t irritate viewers; instead, they increase the appeal of television programs, according to research published in the Polish edition of Harvard Business Review. Viewers are actually willing to pay more for shows they watched with ad breaks.


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Okładka Media Control. The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
Media Control. The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
Okładka Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
Okładka Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Mass Communication: Living in a Media World
Okładka Beyond The Feed: A Social Media Success Formula
Beyond The Feed: A Social Media Success Formula
Okładka Trust Me, I`m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Trust Me, I`m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator
Okładka Hate, Inc.: Why Today`s Media Makes Us Despise One Another
Hate, Inc.: Why Today`s Media Makes Us Despise One Another
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