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14.08.2023 Marketing and PR

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing. Industry Expectations and Concerns


Marketers using generative artificial intelligence see its potential but also perceive risks. The Generative AI Snapshot Series survey conducted by Salesforce and YouGov shows that the industry expects significant changes - and soon.

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing. Industry Expectations and Concernsphoto: Mojahid Mottakin/Unsplash license/

Salesforce conducted a survey among over 1,000 marketing employees. The results, cited by Newseria Biznes, revealed that

  • 51% are already using generative artificial intelligence
  • another 22% plan to use it soon.

This means nearly three-quarters of marketers recognize its potential and are already utilizing it. Marketers use generative AI primarily for:

  • content creation (76%)
  • writing text (76%).


Many foresee significant changes in their work due to this technology. As many as 53% say generative AI is a "game changer," seeing its potential for personalizing messages, creating marketing campaigns, and optimizing SEO strategies.

Benefits and Concerns Related to AI

Thanks to generative artificial intelligence, marketers expect significant time savings. They estimate they could save over five hours per week, translating to over a month annually. Although the technology seems promising, marketers also have concerns.

  • As many as 67% state that their company`s data is not adequately prepared for AI.
  • A similar percentage (63%) believes that trusted customer data is essential.

- Without high-quality, trusted data, AI becomes "garbage in, garbage out" - comments Clara Shih, General Manager of Salesforce AI, quoted by Newseria Biznes. - AI drawing from irrelevant, unrepresentative, or incomplete data sources can produce toxic results, generate biases, or completely incorrect conclusions.

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The Need for Human Oversight and Training

Despite enthusiasm, many believe human oversight is necessary for effective AI use. Additionally, many marketing employees feel the need for training.

  • 43% do not know how to fully utilize the technology’s potential,
  • 70% say their employer does not provide adequate training.
  • 71% of marketers feel AI lacks creativity and contextual knowledge, a significant limitation,
  • 66% of marketers believe human oversight is essential for effective use of artificial intelligence.

Research Methodology

The study was conducted by Salesforce in collaboration with YouGov from May 18-25, 2023. Over 4,135 full-time employees from various sectors in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia were surveyed. Data were collected online and are representative of all full-time employees in the mentioned countries.

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