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28.05.2018 Marketing and PR

Email Marketing Done Right. How to Avoid Ending Up in SPAM


One in three Poles receives between 10 and 20 promotional emails daily, and more than half receive at least 10, according to a study by Redlink. For an email to stand out among the competition and be read by the recipient, three key factors are essential, capturing the most attention from recipients.

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Email Marketing Done Rightphoto: Gerd Altmann/CC0/

These factors are the sender’s name, the email subject line, and infrastructure quality, which ensures that messages aren’t treated as SPAM. Messages sent to the spam folder are rarely checked by recipients, which means advertisers’ money is wasted.

A survey by ARC Rynek i Opinia for Redlink found:

  • 44% of Poles receive fewer than 10 promotional emails daily,
  • 32% receive between 11 and 20 such emails daily,
  • and 1 in 10 receives more than 20.

- The average Pole receives about 20 promotional emails daily. This is a significant amount, especially when combined with personal and work emails, adding up to dozens or even hundreds of emails daily, - says Tomasz Pakulski, Managing Director at Redlink, in an interview with Newseria Biznes. - Therefore, companies running email marketing campaigns find it increasingly challenging to stand out from the competition.

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A company wanting to grab the recipient’s attention must focus on three elements that determine the open rate:

  • sender’s name - the most important factor for 50% of respondents
  • subject line - crucial for 49% of those surveyed
  • content - most important for 36% of survey participants

The sender’s name is the most critical factor for half of the respondents. This detail is visible in every email program, so it’s important to indicate the company sending the promotional email. Tomasz Pakulski emphasizes that using ambiguous names, such as an employee’s name or fictitious information, can result in users ignoring the email.

The second factor influencing the open rate is the subject line. It should be relatively short, ideally under 50 characters, as emails are increasingly opened on mobile devices.

- It should also contain specific information about the benefit of opening the email. If there’s a 20% discount, state it in numeric form because users like numbers and they attract attention, - says Tomasz Pakulski in an interview with Newseria Biznes. - Visual elements like graphics and colors are less critical to recipients. Marketers often fall into the trap of overinvesting in email design, involving graphic designers, coders, creative departments, and advertising agencies to create engaging designs. However, design ranks third among elements users pay attention to.

Promotional emails can end up in three places: the main inbox, special sorting folders (such as offers tabs), or the SPAM folder. One-third of surveyed Poles do not read emails that end up in SPAM. To reach customers effectively, a company must ensure it has the right infrastructure for sending emails.

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