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ISSN 2544-5839

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3.06.2024 Marketing and PR

Customers Flirting with Service Bots. What Contact Center Research Says

Krzysztof Fiedorek

Research by Infobip shows that nearly 20% of Americans engage in flirtatious conversations with bots while handling standard customer service issues. This trend is particularly evident among people aged 35 to 44, where more than half of respondents admitted to flirting with a virtual assistant.

Customers Flirting with Service Bots. What Contact Center Research Saysillustration:

What motivates flirting with bots? Respondents most often indicated:

  • 47.2% wanting to test the bot`s capabilities,
  • 23.9% loneliness,
  • 16.7% initially unaware that they were talking to a bot,
  • 12.2% looking for opportunities for private conversations of a sexual nature.

The research results show that the line between humans and machines is becoming increasingly blurred. Customers are increasingly viewing bots not just as customer service tools, but also as potential conversation partners.

- The survey results indicate that bots are not only tools for seeking information or performing tasks but are increasingly perceived by consumers as companions, comments Krzysztof Lewiński, CEO of Armatis Poland, which outsources customer service and sales. - This reflects the growing level of acceptance and comfort consumers feel thanks to AI-based conversational tools and their openness to new forms of communication and interaction.

Armatis Customer Experience Index. Mixed Feelings of Poles

Data from Armatis Poland indicates that chatbots and voice bots in Polish customer service evoke mixed feelings. Although nearly two-thirds of respondents (66.7%) have encountered them, they tend to elicit negative emotions (42.6%) more often than positive ones (17.1%).


The majority of Poles (71%) prefer to wait in line to speak with a human rather than being served immediately by a bot. Even immediate assistance from a bot does not entice 27.3% of respondents.

The most common emotion after interacting with a bot is frustration (31%), and 11.2% of respondents rate this interaction so poorly that they share it with others. Conversely, only 15% of respondents express satisfaction with the service provided by a bot, and just 2% share their positive experience with others. 40.3% of respondents rate bots neutrally.

- Poles appreciate positive experiences associated with bot service, such as availability 24/7, quick responses, and the improving quality of communication with bots due to the latest generative AI models. However, we still strongly prefer contact with humans, and that is unlikely to change quickly, explains Krzysztof Lewiński. - In different age groups, this attitude towards bots may be more or less positive, but in general, we are still full of prejudices and cautious in these new relational dynamics.


A Bot Doesn`t Guarantee Success

Negative feelings towards bots in customer service are not exclusive to Poland. Results from an international study conducted by Professor Noah Castelo from Alberta School of Business and published in the "Journal of Consumer Research" show that customers worldwide rate their interactions with bots worse, even if they are unaware they are speaking to a machine.

Why does this happen? According to Professor Castelo, people perceive automation as an action intended to benefit the company rather than the customer. As a result, even if the bot correctly answers questions and resolves issues, customers may feel overlooked and undervalued.

This study confirms the conclusions drawn from Polish research. Poles are also more likely to negatively assess service by a bot, even if the problem is ultimately resolved. What does this imply? Companies that want to effectively use chatbots in customer service must ensure that bots are empathetic, customer-oriented, and trustworthy. It is also crucial to give customers the option to contact a human consultant if they need to.

Otherwise, bots may become a source of frustration and negative experiences for customers, which can lead to a loss of trust in the brand.

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