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ISSN 2544-5839

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9.12.2024 Law in media

Online Hate in Numbers. What Do We Think About Offensive Comments?


Nearly 70% of adult Poles have encountered online hate. The group most affected includes individuals aged 18–24, with 81% reporting exposure to hateful content. Similarly, 76% of people aged 45–54 and 79% of residents of Poland’s largest cities have had such experiences, according to the report "Hate on the Internet," prepared by the "In Harmony with Yourself" Foundation in cooperation with Maison&Partners and the Ariadna research panel.

Online Hate in Numbers: What Do Poles Think About Offensive Comments?illustration: Bing AI

Statistics show that 16% of respondents admit to being victims of online hate, and 28% have witnessed offensive comments about someone they know. Notably, offensive content more often targets public figures (59%) than people within the respondents’ immediate circles (28%).

Who Posts Hate and Why?

According to the study, 13% of Poles admit to posting offensive comments, most often directed at strangers or companies. Men are twice as likely to be haters—16% of men confess to such behavior compared to 8% of women. Women, however, more frequently criticize the appearance of people they know personally.

Analysis from the "Hate on the Internet" report shows men are more involved in hateful behavior than women—16% versus 8%. The motivations differ by gender. Women haters often act out of emotions like jealousy (37%) or dissatisfaction with their own lives (25%), while men cite intolerance of differences (20%) or entertainment (14%).

Motivations for Hate by Gender

Reason for HateWomen (%)Men (%)
Dissatisfaction with own life25%22%
Anonymity and impunity24%22%
Releasing negative emotions19%18%
Intolerance of differences16%20%
Seeking attention online17%13%
Entertainment or fun7%14%

These data suggest that women are more often driven by personal emotions, while men act more impulsively. However, anonymity in the online space remains a common motivator for both groups.

– The latest report from the "I Don’t Hate - I Motivate" campaign reveals that men are more likely to engage in hateful behavior. About 16% of men admit to this, a figure twice as high as for women – says Ilona Adamska, president of the "In Harmony with Yourself" Foundation and the study’s initiator, quoted by the portal – Moreover, men more often target brands, companies, and public figures, while women typically criticize other women, especially from their immediate environment.


What is the Target of Hate?

Hate most commonly focuses on appearance (70% of responses), sexual orientation (64%), and political views (38%). Women are more often criticized for their appearance, weight, or age, while men face hate related to sexual orientation, political views, or ethnicity.

Hate Targets for Women:

  • Appearance: 70%
  • Age: 18%
  • Intelligence: 12%

Hate Targets for Men:

  • Sexual orientation: 64%
  • Political views: 38%
  • Ethnicity: 17%

Online hate evokes a range of emotions among both victims and witnesses. The most common reactions are anger (61%), sadness (36%), and anxiety (23%). Women more often report feelings of fear and sadness, while men are more likely to react with indifference or amusement.

The consequences of hate run much deeper. As many as 58% of respondents believe hate lowers self-esteem, and 43% link it to depression and suicidal thoughts. Women are more likely to experience anxiety and depression, while men report aggression toward others.

Social Responsibility to Counteract Hate

The report shows that Poles declare willingness to react to hate, often defending people they know personally rather than public figures. Additionally, 85% of respondents believe hate can have serious financial consequences for companies, and 91% recognize its negative impact on the mental health of those targeted.

However, opinions on the severity of the problem vary by gender. 62% of men think society overreacts to hate, compared to 47% of women who share this view.

Attitudes Toward Hate

StatementGeneral AgreementWomen’s AgreementMen’s Agreement
Hate is a serious health issue91%97%84%
Hate is a problem worth fighting89%94%84%
The hate phenomenon is exaggerated31%25%37%

The findings of the "Hate on the Internet" report highlight the complexity of the issue, which requires both educational and legal actions. The "In Harmony with Yourself" Foundation and Maison&Partners hope this study will inspire the creation of a more conscious and empathetic society.

The full report is available for free download at:

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