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30.12.2024 Law in media

How South Asian Governments Manipulate Media. IFJ Report

Krzysztof Fiedorek

South Asia faces significant challenges in maintaining democracy and press freedom. The latest report from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), "Artificial Independence: The Fight To Save Media and Democracy," highlights the growing threats faced by journalists, including violence, financial pressures, and censorship.

How South Asian Governments Manipulate Media. IFJ Reportillustration: Bing AI

In South Asia, home to over 1.8 billion people, media plays a fundamental role in shaping democracy. However, as the report "Artificial Independence: The Fight To Save Media and Democracy" by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) shows, press independence remains under severe threat. Between 2023 and 2024, there were 232 recorded violations of journalists` rights, with 15 still imprisoned. The report also reveals how financial, political, and technological pressures affect the media landscape in the region.

Financial Crisis in Media

Media in South Asia struggle to survive amid challenging economic conditions. The IFJ report highlights that the financial crisis exacerbates difficulties for journalists, forcing many to leave the profession. In Afghanistan, the situation is dire — since 2021, the number of journalists has dropped by over 60%. Bhutan has also seen a mass exodus of media personnel due to low salaries and lack of opportunities.

  • In Nepal, over 240 media outlets ceased operations in 2023.
  • In Afghanistan, the number of active women journalists fell from 2,800 to just 700.
  • In Bhutan, over 30% of journalists left the profession in the past five years.

CountryDecrease in Journalists (2021–2023)Media Outlets Closed in 2023
Sri Lanka40%30

Violence and Repression Against Journalists

Physical Attacks and Killings

Attacks on journalists are a persistent feature of the political landscape in the region. The IFJ report points to escalating violence in Bangladesh, where 30 journalists were attacked during a single political protest in 2023. In Pakistan, four journalists were killed, and in India, reporters documenting ethnic and social conflicts increasingly face physical assaults.

  • In Bangladesh, a reporter from Agence France-Presse was brutally beaten while covering riots.
  • In Pakistan, journalists from the Balochistan region are regularly targeted in armed attacks.
  • In Nepal, 45 cases of press freedom violations, including attacks on investigative reporters, were recorded in 2023.

Political Polarization and Media Manipulation

Governments in the region increasingly use media as a propaganda tool. In the Maldives, public media openly supported the incumbent president during the 2023 presidential elections. Similarly, in India, the ruling BJP party issued "guidelines" to media outlets to avoid topics that might "disrupt public order."

CountryNew Law Restricting Freedom of ExpressionYear of Introduction
IndiaBroadcasting (Services) Regulation Bill2023
Sri LankaInternet Security Act2024
PakistanPersonal Data Protection Act2023
BangladeshCybercrime Regulations2022
NepalSocial Media Regulation Bill2023
MaldivesBlocking Independent Websites2023
AfghanistanAccess to Information Restrictions2021

Women in Media

The IFJ report highlights that women journalists in the region are particularly vulnerable to violence and discrimination. In Afghanistan, they must cover their faces, and their presence at press conferences is marginalized. In Pakistan, women make up only 5-30% of media employees, with minimal representation in trade unions.

  • In Nepal, women are often denied assignments on important topics such as corruption.
  • In Sri Lanka, women journalists are more frequently laid off during economic crises.
  • In the Maldives, over 25% of women journalists reported instances of sexual harassment at work.

Digital Media as a Space for Freedom

The growing significance of digital media in the region is one of the few positive trends. In India, platforms like Newslaundry and Scroll play a key role in exposing corruption. In Pakistan, the Digital Media Alliance of Pakistan brings together independent platforms that are increasingly reaching audiences.

At the same time, governments are striving to control this space. In India, regulations have been introduced allowing articles to be blocked for "threats to national integrity." In Nepal, TikTok usage was banned during social protests.

The research methodology relied on data collected between May 2023 and April 2024 by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its partners in South Asia. It included reports on media rights violations, interviews with journalists, and data from press freedom monitoring organizations. Special attention was given to cases of violence and repression. The full report can be downloaded from

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