16.01.2023 History of the media
History of De Standaard. A Flemish Newspaper with a Turbulent Past
Małgorzata Dwornik
The first issue was supposed to reach readers on November 25, 1914. However, the outbreak of World War I disrupted these plans. The newspaper finally debuted on December 4, 1918. It survived another war, a publication ban, bankruptcy, and the digital revolution. More than a century later, it remains strong.
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At the beginning of the 20th century in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, French was the mandatory language in administration, the judiciary, the military, and education. However, the local population spoke Flemish (a Dutch dialect). The Flemish Movement worked to defend the people, their culture, language, and education. On May 2, 1914, three activists from this movement:
- Alfons Van de Perre, a physician
- Arnold Hendrix, a pharmacist
- Frans Van Cauwelaert, a lawyer
announced the founding of a new Flemish newspaper, De Standaard. The agreement was signed at Hotel Wagner in Antwerp. The three main founders were supported by a group of 151 shareholders, who established the publishing company De Standaard NV.
Work began in full swing, and the launch was scheduled for November 25, 1914. Unfortunately, on July 25, mobilization was declared. Three days later, World War I broke out, and on August 4, Germany invaded Belgium. The newspaper`s debut had to wait for calmer times.
During the war, the Flemish Movement split into two factions. The first was radical (composed of military personnel and those collaborating with the German administration), while the second was moderate and worked with the Belgian parliament. Alfons Van de Perre and Frans Van Cauwelaert belonged to the latter group. After the war, in 1918, they revived their plan to publish a newspaper. Less than a month after Germany`s surrender, on December 4, the first issue of De Standaard was printed with a circulation of 4,000 copies.
A Second Attempt: Just a Few Words of Introduction
Van de Perre took charge of financial management, Van Cauwelaert led the editorial team, and Hendrix became head of the publishing house. The newspaper’s motto was Vlamingen spreekt uw taal (Flemings speak your language), and its subtitle read: Dagblad voor staatkundige, maatschappelijke en economische belangen (A daily newspaper for political, social, and economic interests).
The first issue was printed in a large format (broadsheet), had two pages with six columns, and cost 10 cents. In addition to the three founders, the editorial team included Marcel Cordemans (Van de Perre’s secretary), editor Filip De Pillecyn, journalist Jan Boon, and editorial secretary, Father Jan Gheysens.
The first editorial, beginning with the words: "Just a few words of introduction, as we must get to work," was written by Frans Van Cauwelaert. Speaking on behalf of the editorial team, he made a bold declaration: "We will leave nothing unfinished so that, in a short time, De Standaard will become one of the most important newspapers in Belgium."
The first issue featured, alongside Van Cauwelaert’s article:
- A proclamation from King Albert
- A report on a visit from a U.S. delegation
- A speech by Brussels’ Flemings to the Belgian government
- An article on agriculture
- A summary of wartime events
- Advertisements
- A call for writers and journalists to collaborate
Although the newspaper was founded in Antwerp, its first editorial office was in Brussels, at 43 Greepstraat. Within a year, the team expanded, and in 1919, they moved to a larger office on Jacqmainlaan. Just a few doors away, in July, they opened their own printing facility. By 1920, the newspaper was being printed on its own presses.
Everything for Flanders, Flanders for Christ
De Standaard quickly gained supporters, and its circulation began to grow. Van Cauwelaert ran the editorial office not only in alignment with the Flemish Movement but also with a strong Catholic influence. This led to the appearance of an acronym in the shape of a cross on the front page. On September 27, 1919, to the right of the newspaper’s header, the phrase “Flemings speak your language” was replaced by the letters AVV-VVK, which stood for Alles voor Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen voor Kristus (Everything for Flanders, Flanders for Christ). This cross-acronym was printed for eight decades, until September 1999. The idea came from Marcel Cordemans, the editorial secretary.
Although Van Cauwelaert managed the newspaper, he was “on the run”. He lived permanently in Antwerp, where he co-ran a law firm with his brother. In 1921, he became a city councilor and later the mayor. He stepped down from leading the newspaper, handing it over to the first “true” editor-in-chief, Marcel Cordemans.
Van Cauwelaert`s final move was opening a De Standaard office in Antwerp (1921). The local edition was initially titled De Handelsbode, but it was soon renamed De Morgenpost.
Cordemans had long been Van de Perre’s assistant. The latter had been the main shareholder of the newspaper during its early years. A physician by profession, a politician in practice, and a journalist at heart, Van de Perre wrote 210 articles for De Standaard. He passed away on August 4, 1925. Following his death, businessman and politician Gustaaf Saap took over the newspaper`s finances.
Marcel Cordemans, initially the assistant to Van de Perre and the editorial secretary, had replaced Father Jan Gheysens, who left a few months after the newspaper`s launch. Cordemans was responsible for international news.
A Small Editorial Team with Big Conflicts
Despite the small size of the editorial team, internal conflicts were significant. The team members could not agree on hierarchy, task distribution, or promises made. Although Van Cauwelaert resigned as editor-in-chief, he still influenced editorial decisions, and Cordemans strictly adhered to his instructions. Tensions escalated, reaching their peak when Van Cauwelaert`s main rival, Gustaaf Saap, joined the newsroom.
These disputes had no impact on the newspaper’s readership. Readers were eager for news, both local and global. The newspaper attracted contributions from Belgian and Dutch writers, enriching the style and content. A new entertainment section was introduced, including drawings, though the first graphics were advertisements - such as the one from January 5, 1923, promoting Verkade cakes. By 1922, the newspaper had reached a circulation of 12,000 copies.
When Saap took full control of the publishing house in 1927, tensions in the newsroom became unbearable, leading Marcel Cordemans to resign. In 1929, journalist Jan Boon assumed the role of editor-in-chief.
Boon, though a protégé of Saap, had closer ties to Van Cauwelaert, under whom he had honed his journalistic skills. He tried to balance the views and ambitions of both politicians while maintaining the newspaper’s neutrality. Alongside Saap, he advocated for collaboration between radical and moderate pro-Flemish supporters and the "concentration" of Flemish forces beyond party lines, often leading to conflicts with the ruling Catholic party. At the same time, he supported:
- The neutrality policy of King Leopold III
- Opposition to the Popular Front in France
- The fight against communism and the left wing of Christian Democracy
- Resistance to Nazi Germany
Since Boon oversaw the foreign affairs section, these topics frequently appeared in De Standaard.
De Standaard Strengthens Its Position: 25,000 Copies in Circulation
Throughout the 1930s, Boon built a professional 20-person editorial team, allowing the newspaper to expand and become a leading publication in Belgium. He also modernized De Standaard, introducing photographs, section divisions, new fonts, and a revamped page layout. Besides politics and economics, the newspaper featured dedicated columns on Belgian culture and arts, which were extensively covered during this era. A particularly noteworthy event was the Brussels World’s Fair in April 1935.
Boon focused on the emancipation and refinement of the Flemish way of life within the framework of the Belgian constitution. He also introduced a literary section, with author Marix Gijsen as its star contributor.
By 1932, circulation had reached 25,000 copies. However, like the rest of the world, Belgium was captivated by events in Germany, prompting Boon to coin the term "brown Bolshevism".
Jan Boon led the editorial team for ten years. In August 1939, he was appointed Director-General of the Flemish broadcasting division of the National Institute for Radio (NIR). He handed over the reins of De Standaard, now with a circulation of 35,000 copies, to Karel Peeters, a folklore enthusiast and pioneer of scientific folklore studies in Dutch-speaking Belgium.
World War II: A Seven-Year Hiatus
Peeters assumed the editor-in-chief role temporarily, hoping to stay longer. However, everything changed in September 1939 with the outbreak of World War II. On May 10, 1940, German forces invaded Belgium, and on May 28, Belgium surrendered.
Under German orders, the De Standaard NV publishing house shut down its printing facility on May 16. The occupiers initially rejected local newspapers but soon forced journalists back to work. Peeters was replaced by Alfons Martens, the brother-in-law of former editor Filip de Pillecyn. The new German-controlled newspaper was named Het Algemeen Nieuws, while the Flemish De Standaard fell silent for seven years.
After Belgium’s liberation in September 1944, the De Standaard NV publishing house and its employees were accused of collaborating with the Germans and were placed under sequestration, effectively banning them from publishing. This immediately attracted a flock of vultures eager to take over the company.
New Attempts Fail: Readers Demand Their Newspaper Back
Two Flemish businessmen, Leon Bekaert and Tony Herbert - often referred to as loan sharks - reached an agreement with the Saap family to take over the printing facilities, offices, and newspaper titles. A new newspaper, De Nieuwe Standaard, emerged in the Brussels media landscape, published by the newly formed De Gids NV, led by Camille Van Deyck.
Journalist Betsy Hollants was appointed editor-in-chief, and Léon Bekaert handled financial affairs. Despite assembling a strong team of renowned journalists, the new newspaper faced intense criticism, mainly from Flemish nationalists. It was accused of a lukewarm approach to reporting on post-war repressions. Flemings saw this as a cover for attacks on their independence, especially since many Flemish Movement activists had been imprisoned. The paper’s stance on trials and executions outraged the public, who demanded the return of the pre-war De Standaard. Among those supporting the defenders of the old newspaper was Albert de Smaele, Gustaaf Saap`s son-in-law. He successfully negotiated the withdrawal of Bekaert and Herbert from the company, leading the government to lift the publication ban.
After seven years, on April 12, 1947, De Nieuwe Standaard was renamed De Nieuwe Gids. Finally, on May 1, De Standaard reappeared on Brussels’ streets, featuring its distinctive AVV-VVK emblem and under the leadership of editor-in-chief Albert de Smaele. The newspaper immediately embraced classical Flemish Catholicism.
Smaele outlined a clear agenda:
- Restore the newspaper’s good reputation
- Defend the Flemish language
- Cooperate with the ruling Catholic Party (CVP)
- Support King Leopold III
- Advocate for Catholic education
- Focus on issues in the Belgian Congo
To achieve these goals, he built a strong and diverse newsroom, bringing in experts from various fields, including philosophy, law, literature, and journalism.
A Strategy to Restore Reputation - And Bankruptcy
Albert de Smaele did not completely erase the past. Many columns, topics, and layouts remained unchanged. One such feature was the comic series Suske en Wiske (1945) by Willy Vandersteen, which continued for years and became the most popular and longest-running series not only in Flanders and Belgium but across the entire Benelux region. Over the years, artists such as Paul Geerts, Marc Verhaegen, and the duo Luc Morjaeu and Peter Van Gucht carried on the series.
Smaele successfully restored the newspaper’s reputation and proved to readers that they and their concerns were his top priority. He was unafraid of confrontations and debates. He created a discussion forum where everyone could share their views and opinions.
Topics such as women`s issues and life in Belgian convents were widely discussed - often sparking controversy within the clergy but making headlines in the Belgian press. For literature lovers, a special supplement, the weekly De Standaard der Letteren, was introduced on April 12, 1952, along with a film section for cinema enthusiasts.
Smaele was also an aggressive publisher, engaging in an ambitious acquisition strategy for various newspapers and printing houses. While his success with the newspaper was undeniable, his business ventures ultimately led to failure, culminating in the company’s bankruptcy in 1976.
But before that, in 1960, wanting to focus solely on publishing, he handed over De Standaard to two editors: Luc Vandeweghe, better known by his pseudonym E. Troch, and Manu Ruys. The former was named "editorial director," while the latter became "head of internal affairs."
Troch specialized in foreign policy, overseeing that section in both De Nieuwe Standaard and De Standaard. He also wrote columns, often causing trouble for himself and the editorial team due to his sharp tongue. He openly supported cooperation between communist and Western governments, a controversial stance at the time.
Ruys, previously a parliamentary editor, had joined the newspaper in 1947. Eight years later, he was promoted to head of internal affairs. His firm stance on Flemish rights made him the face of De Standaard. He fiercely defended the demands of the Flemish community, exemplified by his advocacy for the Catholic University of Leuven’s national identity.
The two editors worked in harmony, which readers appreciated. By 1966, the newspaper’s circulation had reached 290,000 copies. When De Standaard had achieved stability, Albert de Smaele embarked on a grand business strategy in 1970. He became so focused on commercial expansion that he ignored all warnings. He took out loans and purchased businesses, not only in media but also in tourism, attempting to build an empire. Until it all collapsed.
The Bankruptcy of De Standaard - Journalists Organize a Fundraiser
In 1973, the oil crisis triggered an economic downturn, causing a collapse in the advertising market. The publishing house lacked the funds to repay its loans. De Standaard began a downward spiral. In 1975, Luc Van Gastel replaced Troch. Although an outstanding journalist and organizer, he could do little to stop the decline. Circulation plummeted. On Tuesday, June 22, 1976, the Brussels court declared NV De Standaard bankrupt.
This led to demonstrations, negotiations, and a company-wide occupation. Not everyone accepted the publishing house’s closure. The newspaper’s journalists took action, announcing a fundraising campaign. They contributed their own money and raised over 11 million francs. On June 9, they established the non-profit organization Editorial De Standaard to defend the newspaper’s Christian and Flemish identity, free-market economy, and pluralistic democracy, ensuring that it would not be sold to just anyone.
A group of Flemish entrepreneurs, led by Antwerp shipping magnate Andre Leysen, came to the newspaper’s rescue. Just days after the bankruptcy ruling, on June 26, 1976, they founded the Vlaamse Uitgeversmaatschappij VUM (Flemish Publishing Company) and acquired three newspapers from the former publishing house, including De Standaard.
Leysen became chairman of the executive committee, which also included economist and politician Robert Vandeputte, businessman and politician André Vlerick, and businessman Dominique Van Damme. After Van Damme`s passing in the summer, engineer Guido Verdeyen joined the committee.
One of the committee’s first actions was a leadership change at the newspaper. Gastel was replaced by Lode Bostoen. A lawyer, Bostoen had drafted VUM’s statutes and joined its board. He ensured that the newspaper continued publishing. Having worked at De Standaard since 1962, he started as a foreign affairs journalist, later becoming head of national affairs. He also covered economic and financial reporting and defense policy.
As the new editor-in-chief, his responsibilities included organizing newsroom operations, recruitment, personnel policies, day-to-day management, and maintaining an active presence - unlike Manu Ruys, who retained his position but focused solely on shaping the newspaper’s political stance.
Over the next four years, the editorial duo, under VUM’s supervision:
- Redesigned the newspaper
- Increased the number of pages
- Tailored content to target audiences
- Expanded topic coverage
- Increased market share
- Re-established the newspaper’s media presence
By 1980, all debts had been repaid. In 1979, offices and printing facilities were relocated to the outskirts of Brussels, in Groot-Bijgaarden. The company was profitable again. This success allowed the editorial team to fully automate operations in 1984. Computers were introduced, and circulation reached 70,000 copies.
The Era of "Great Journalistic Creativity"
When Ruys retired in 1989, Bostoen became the sole editor-in-chief, but the overwhelming responsibilities imposed on him took their toll. He was a journalist at heart - he wanted to write and defend the newsroom’s interests in his own way. His colleague, journalist Hugo De Ridder, recalled those times:
"He was forced by VUM management into a role that did not suit him. To gain some control over the expanding newsroom, he had to resort to management tricks from textbooks, which he himself clearly did not support."
Mark Deweerdt added:
"The growing pressure from commercial management to control editorial policy was difficult for Lode, who wanted to defend the newsroom`s autonomy with teeth and claws."
The rigid stances of both sides led to a severe conflict, and Lode Bostoen left the newsroom in 1991. A new editorial duo was appointed: Lou de Clerck and Mark Deweerdt, but within two years, the dual-leadership model was abandoned, and Dirk Achten became the sole editor-in-chief.
The 1990s were a golden era for De Standaard, often described as a period of "great journalistic creativity."
- The investigative journalism department reached new heights in terms of topics, content, and style.
- The expanded cultural section covered both national and global events.
- In 1993, De Standaard was the only Belgian newspaper with its own dedicated science section.
- New columns appeared, covering lifestyle and tourism.
- Sports news was expanded, particularly after acquiring Het Volk, which specialized in cycling races.
- Weekly thematic supplements like De Standaard Weekblad were introduced.
- The newspaper transitioned to full-color printing.
- Since 1997, De Standaard has had an online presence.
Although the newspaper underwent a significant refresh, it wasn’t until 1999, when Peter Vandermeersch took over as editor-in-chief, that the final remnants of the old era were removed.
Direction: Neutrality. Format: Tabloid.
On September 30, the AVV-VVK cross symbol disappeared for the last time, sparking a heated debate among the newspaper`s supporters and critics - even within the newsroom itself. For Vandermeersch and many readers, this marked a complete break from the Flemish Movement and Christian Democracy. This decision led to the departure of a group of Catholic journalists, led by Bert Claerhout, who went on to establish their own publication. The editorial stance was clear: the newspaper must be neutral in every way.
On the same day, Vandermeersch removed the subtitle referring to "social, economic, and political interests" and changed the format. De Standaard became a tabloid that "views Christianity as a noble philosophy of life among many others," reflecting its editor-in-chief’s perspective.
Among the innovations, in 2000, between Christmas and New Year`s, the first Kerstessay (Christmas Essay) was published, titled Het Vlaams Blok in elk van ons, written by Manu Claeys. This annual essay series explores pressing societal issues, appearing in the final days of December, sometimes in multiple installments. Its authors include prominent Belgians - politicians, writers, artists, and activists.
During his five-year tenure, Vandermeersch faced constant scrutiny for his views. However, this controversy attracted even more readers. Debates, discussions, and commentaries became increasingly vibrant, with letters from readers further enriching the discourse. On June 17, 2004, Peter Vandermeersch published an open letter regarding the nationalist party Vlaams Blok, stating:
"As De Standaard, we claim a role in Flemish society. We want society to be open and tolerant, democratic and prosperous. Our job is to report, analyze, and comment on this society. Our task is also to provide a forum for intellectual debate."

Among the newspaper’s numerous accolades for its content and design, De Standaard is also known for organizing a unique contest. In 2003, for the first time, readers voted for Product van het jaar (Product of the Year). The first winner was a digital camera, followed by the iPod in 2004. However, in 2008, Barack Obama surpassed all competitors. In the most recent edition in 2021, the COVID-19 vaccine claimed the top spot.
A Century Old and Thriving
In 2006, Vlaamse Uitgeversmaatschappij VUM celebrated its 30th anniversary, having significantly expanded in the meantime. During the anniversary week in June, management announced that, as of September 1, 2006, the company would operate under the new name CORELIO. This name remained until 2013 when Corelio merged with Concentra to form MEDIAHUIS.
After Corelio’s formation, Vandermeersch was appointed head of the entire publishing house, and his position at De Standaard was taken over by journalist and columnist Bart Sturtewagen. The new editor-in-chief already had experience in the role, having temporarily replaced Vandermeersch in the mid-1990s when he moved to New York.
Some of Sturtewagen’s key achievements as editor-in-chief include:
- Redesigning the newspaper’s layout (April 23, 2007).
- Introducing more regional news coverage (2007).
- Expanding the digital archive (2008).
- Integrating the newspaper with social media and launching mobile apps (from 2010).
- Collaborating with Corelio’s newly launched radio network Nostalgie (2008).
On September 1, 2010, Karel Verhoeven, previously head of the weekend supplement, joined Sturtewagen as a co-editor-in-chief. "This complementary tandem should further strengthen De Standaard’s leading position as a high-quality Flemish medium," the Corelio board stated in a press release.
The partnership yielded positive results. A year later, circulation reached 108,828 copies and continued growing. The newspaper became increasingly modern, with new sections appearing on its website, including a platform for reader opinions. An evening edition was also introduced. Since April 2012, dS Evening, a digital newspaper, has provided a recap of the day’s events.
That same year, the science editorial team was honored with the prestigious Zesde Vijs award from the Study Circle for the Critical Evaluation of Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (SKEPP) for its "objective approach to paranormal phenomena and pseudoscience." In 2013, Apple awarded the newspaper the Great Subscriptions App 2013. The journalists and the newspaper itself have received numerous accolades.
When Corelio transformed into Mediahuis in 2013, the newsroom was restructured. Bart Sturtewagen became chief opinion editor, responsible for public debates. Since then, Verhoeven has solely held the editor-in-chief position.
Print newspaper circulation has been declining worldwide, and De Standaard is no exception. While Flanders values printed news, rising costs - expensive paper, a large workforce, declining advertising revenue, and insufficient digital subscription compensation - led to significant changes in 2020:
- The De Standaard newsroom returned to central Brussels (Central Gate).
- 82 positions were cut, including 19 editorial staff.
- The digital evolution was accelerated.
- Work organization was restructured.
For a 104-year-old, De Standaard is in excellent shape. It informs, debates, and advises. A team of professional and experienced journalists serves its readers and online audience daily. Over 32,500 subscribers use its mobile apps. Since 2016, Podcast DS has been available, along with Audiokrant, a read-aloud version for tablets and smartphones. The entertainment section includes daily cartoons, crosswords, puzzles, cryptograms, and sudoku.
Something for everyone.
De Standaard`s Timeline:
- 1914, May 2 – Founding of De Standaard.
- 1914-1918 – World War I halts editorial plans.
- 1918, December 4 – First issue of De Standaard is published.
- 1919 – New editorial office and launch of in-house printing press.
- 1919, September 27 – The AVV-VVK cross symbol appears next to the newspaper`s title, becoming its trademark.
- 1921 – Opening of a branch office in Antwerp.
- 1923, January 5 – First graphic element (advertisement) published.
- 1940, May 16 – 1947, May 1 – De Standaard ceases operations due to World War II.
- 1952, April 12 – First edition of the literary supplement De Standaard der Letteren.
- 1973 – Advertising market crash.
- 1976, June 22 – Bankruptcy of De Standaard publishing house declared.
- 1976, June 26 – Establishment of Vlaamse Uitgeversmaatschappij VUM.
- 1979 – Offices and printing facilities moved to the outskirts of Brussels.
- 1984 – Full newsroom automation.
- 1993 – De Standaard becomes the only Belgian newspaper with a dedicated science section.
- 1997 – Launch of the newspaper`s online edition.
- 1999, September 30 – AVV-VVK symbol removed; newspaper switches to tabloid format.
- 2000, December – First edition of the annual Kerstessay (Christmas Essay).
- 2003 – First edition of the annual "Product van het jaar" (Product of the Year) competition.
- 2006, September 1 – Publishing house rebranded as Corelio.
- 2007, April 23 – Major redesign of the newspaper.
- 2008 – Expansion of the digital archive.
- 2010 – De Standaard enters social media.
- 2012, April – Launch of the digital evening edition dS Evening.
- 2013 – Corelio merges into MediaHuis.
- 2016 – Premiere of Podcast DS and Audiokrant.
- 2020 – De Standaard newsroom relocates to central Brussels.
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/De_Standaard_1918.jpg/800px-De_Standaard_1918.jpg
- https://static.standaard.be/Assets/Images_Upload/2018/12/01/35e2b5c8-f34a-11e8-afdc-2528cc3aa5b3.jpg?width=1152&format=jpg
- https://corelio.be/bedrijfsinfo/geschiedenis/
- https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dma10102005_006
- https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Standaard
- https://www.cadeauretro.com/titre/STVOIR.htm
- https://www.apache.be/nvdr/2011/10/31/cordemans-marcel
- https://www.belgiumwwii.be/image/content/de-standaard-21-11-1932.jpg
- https://static.standaard.be/Assets/Images_Upload/2018/10/19/49dddb80-d2f6-11e8-ac5d-1aa06a410749.jpg?width=1152&format=jpg
- https://www.odis.be/hercules/toonPers.php?taalcode=nl&id=2134
- https://www.apache.be/nvdr/2011/10/31/bio-bostoen-lode
- https://doorbraak.be/lode-bostoen-een-hoofdredacteur-uit-de-duizend/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20070310220455/http://60gp.ovh.net/~novacivi/blog/archives/000064.html
- https://www.apache.be/nvdr/2011/10/31/vandermeersch-peter
- https://www.apache.be/nvdr/2011/10/31/verhoeven-karel
- https://www.demorgen.be/tv-cultuur/sturtewagen-en-verhoeven-leiden-de-standaard~b98c9e7d/
- https://www.twipemobile.com/tag/de-standaard/
- https://www.standaard.be/
- https://voxeurop.eu/pl/source/de-standaard-2/
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