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12.02.2024 Skills and knowledge

Sarcasm in Communication. A Study by INSEAD Researchers

Krzysztof Fiedorek

Sarcasm can be a valuable tool in interpersonal communication, but its effectiveness depends on the context and the relationship between the sender and the receiver. Researchers at INSEAD have shown that well-utilized sarcasm can be a powerful asset in business language and advertising.

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Sarcasm in Communication. A Study by INSEAD Researchersillustration:

The researchers analyzed the impact of sarcasm on the receiver`s ability to adopt the sender`s perspective in interpersonal communication. They used the theoretical SHARP model (Spiral Human Assessment Reflecting Plotter), which helps determine how sarcasm affects one`s ability to take another person`s perspective.

According to the model, sarcasm can activate two factors that lead to perspective-taking: conscious processing and openness. The study was published in the journal “Current Opinion in Psychology.”

- "Sarcasm expresses intended meaning through words with opposite meanings (for example, `Who came up with this fantastic idea?` when referring to a bad idea). It serves many communicative and social functions, expressing criticism, amusement, emotion regulation, and politeness," explains Li Huang, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD, in an interview with Newseria Innowacje. - "Sarcasm is more memorable and can help save face in awkward situations. For instance, I once worked with a senior colleague who, in response to my `Sorry,` would sarcastically reply, `And rightly so,` which gently and humorously pointed out my perhaps excessive tendency to apologize. Fifteen years later, I still remember it."

Sarcasm may promote adopting the sender’s perspective due to:

  • Increased cognitive effort: Sarcasm relies on the contradiction between the spoken and intended meaning, requiring the receiver to invest more effort in interpreting the message.
  • Feelings of guilt or embarrassment: Sarcasm often conveys disapproval, which may evoke these emotions in the receiver, thus fostering perspective-taking.
  • Moderating factors:

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The SHARP model also identified moderating factors that influence the effect of sarcasm:

  • Excessive criticism: Sarcasm expressing strong criticism may provoke anger in the receiver, limiting their ability to adopt the sender’s perspective.
  • Decoding sarcasm: The receiver must correctly interpret the sarcasm to be able to adopt the sender`s perspective.

Sarcasm is often used in advertising. An example is Ford Explorer`s "men-only" ad, which humorously highlights women’s role in the automotive industry.

- "The ad is humorous, showcasing the broad application of sarcasm and highlighting the need to examine its impact more closely," explains Li Huang. - "The receiver`s ability to decode sarcasm also determines whether they can adopt another person`s perspective."

The researchers emphasize the importance of further studies to understand the conditions under which sarcasm is most effective: whether it depends on specific traits of the receiver, such as their tendency to feel guilt, or on the relationship between the sender and receiver, such as the level of trust between them.

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