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ISSN 2544-5839

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24.06.2024 Law in media

Data for Benefits: What Encourages Sharing Personal Information Online

Krzysztof Fiedorek

Most Poles are aware of the value of their personal data and do not share it without reason. However, one in five is willing to share data in exchange for benefits, and 16% of us do not remember if we have done so. These are the results of a study conducted by and the National Debt Register under the patronage of the UODO.

Data for Benefits: What Encourages Sharing Personal Information Onlineillustration: Bing/Copilot

Willingness to share data depends on age, gender, education, and place of residence. Younger individuals and those with higher education are more likely to disclose information, as are men when it comes to permanent discounts and women for one-time promotions. Residents of large cities are more cautious than those from smaller towns.

The most popular benefits that encourage individuals to provide sensitive data include:

  • permanent (35%) or one-time (31%) discounts/promotions.
  • free products/services (27%),
  • free apps/accounts (22%),
  • exclusive content (16%),
  • personalized offers (15%).

What Data Do We Share and What Are the Risks?

The study by and the National Debt Register shows that the prospect of gaining additional benefits encourages Polish internet users to share:

  • email address (80%),
  • first and last name (59%),
  • phone number (55%),
  • residential address (33%),
  • PESEL number (8%),
  • identity card number (7%).


Experts warn that sharing email addresses, names, and phone numbers can create risks of phishing and account takeover.

– If this is a special email address that we use, for example, only for shopping or using services, it`s not a problem. It’s worse if we use the same address daily and have provided it, for example, to our bank – warns Bartłomiej Drozd, an expert from, as quoted by the NEWSERIA agency. – If an email, name, and phone number leak into the hands of cybercriminals, they may attempt to reset passwords and use recovery procedures to take over a bank account.

Despite educational campaigns, 2.4 million Poles do not see the dangers associated with sharing their PESEL number. Some mistakenly believe that blocking their PESEL protects them from all obligations.

A study conducted in April 2024 on a representative group of 1,016 Poles shows that Poles are increasingly aware of the need to protect their personal data, but there is still a need for education regarding the risks associated with sharing data, especially their PESEL number.

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