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17.02.2025 Media market

Radio, Streaming, and Podcasts. Total Audio 2024 Report about Poland

Krzysztof Fiedorek

Audio content is a daily companion for Poles. According to the Total Audio 2024 study conducted by Adres:Media on behalf of the Radio Research Committee, as many as 90% of respondents listen to audio content at least once a week, and 80% do so daily. The average listening time is nearly five hours per day.

Radio, Streaming, and Podcasts: What Poles Listen to in the Total Audio 2024 Reportillustration:

Radio remains the most popular audio medium, accounting for 51% of total listening time. Music streaming via video platforms such as YouTube makes up 17%, while audio streaming services like Spotify and Tidal account for 14%. Podcasts, although growing rapidly, hold a 7% share.

A closer look at the distribution of different formats:

Audio Content Format Share of Listening Time
Radio 51%
Music on Video Streaming 17%
Audio Streaming 14%
Podcasts 7%
Audiobooks 3%
Saved Music Files 3%

Although radio still dominates, streaming is gaining popularity, especially among younger listeners. As the authors of the Total Audio 2024 study highlight, among the 15–24 age group, streaming services are the primary source of audio content.

Smartphones Lead, but Radios Are Still in Use

The choice of device plays a key role in audio consumption. The report shows that smartphones are the most commonly used device for listening to audio - 65% of respondents use them, and among those aged 15–24, this percentage rises to 90%.

Traditional radio receivers still hold a strong position - 71% of listeners report using them. However, many people use multiple devices depending on their situation and location.

Podcasts Are Popular, but Radio Is the Most Trusted

The Total Audio 2024 study by Adres:Media and the Radio Research Committee shows that one in three Poles listens to podcasts at least once a week, with listenership increasing by 7 percentage points compared to the previous year. Podcasts are particularly popular among the youngest audience - people aged 15–19 listen to them significantly more often than other age groups. This growing interest presents opportunities for creators and advertisers.

Trust in different media is an important factor influencing audience choices. In the Total Audio 2024 study, respondents rated various media on a ten-point scale.

  • Radio received the highest rating - 45% of respondents gave it a score of 7 to 10.
  • By comparison, YouTube enjoys high trust among 35% of respondents,
  • television is trusted by only 31% of viewers,
  • and TikTok ranked lowest, with just 16% trust.


Where and When Do We Listen to Audio Content?

The context of audio listening is just as important as the choice of medium. The Total Audio 2024 study shows that Poles most often listen to radio, music, and podcasts in three main places:

  • at home,
  • in the car,
  • and at work.

Each environment favors different types of audio consumption. At home, streaming and podcasts dominate, as they can be tailored to personal preferences. In cars, radio reigns supreme due to its convenience - drivers don`t have to select songs or switch between apps. At work, both traditional radio stations and streaming playlists are popular, allowing background listening without active content selection.

Audio consumption also varies by time of day. In the morning (6:00–9:00), radio is the most popular, serving as the first source of news and entertainment for many people. It is commonly listened to at home while getting ready for work and school, as well as during commutes - especially in cars.

In the evening (18:00–24:00), streaming audio and video content gain importance as listeners have more time to select specific songs, playlists, or podcasts. Radio remains present, but its share of listening decreases in favor of more personalized content.

Audience Demographics: Who Listens to Radio?

The "Audio Track" study by the National Media Institute shows that radio listenership varies by age, gender, and place of residence. Men are more likely to choose RMF FM (19.8%) than women (15.5%), which may be attributed to the station’s news and music format. Eska, on the other hand, attracts younger listeners - 10.6% of those aged 15–29 report listening to it regularly.

Among the 65+ age group, Polish Radio Jedynka (8.6%) and Radio Maryja (4.5%) are the most popular. Older listeners appreciate the traditional nature of these stations and their focus on educational and religious content.

Daily reach of stations among selected age groups:

Radio Station 15 - 29 years 30 - 49 years 65+
RMF FM 15.4% 20.5% 11.4%
Radio ZET 7.2% 11.7% 8.7%
Eska 10.6% 7.2% 1.1%
Jedynka PR 0.8% 1.9% 8.6%
Radio Maryja 0.0% 1.2% 4.5%
TOK FM 2.4% 4.7% 1.8%
Radio WAWA 4.1% 2.6% 0.5%
Chillizet 3.8% 2.1% 0.3%
Polskie Radio 24 1.2% 1.6% 3.2%

A geographical analysis shows that listeners in large cities prefer commercial stations like RMF FM and Radio ZET, while in rural areas, Radio Maryja enjoys greater popularity.

Radio Listening Habits in Europe

Despite changing audience habits, radio still reaches a vast segment of society across Europe. According to the European Broadcasting Union`s "Audience Trends: Radio 2024" report, 82.4% of Europeans listened to the radio weekly in 2023.

  • 82% of Europeans listened to the radio weekly in 2023.
  • 73% of young Europeans (15–24) listened to the radio weekly.
  • Compared to 2018, overall radio reach declined by 3.6 percentage points.
  • Among young listeners, the decline was 7.6 percentage points over five years.

The main reason for this trend is the growing popularity of digital platforms and new audio content formats across Europe. Although still widespread, radio must now compete with podcasts, streaming services, and social media.

An interesting trend is the increase in the number of people who listen to the radio more frequently than a year ago - this applies to 14% of respondents. This shows that traditional media still hold a strong position despite the rising popularity of streaming and podcasts.

The full Total Audio 2024 report is available at:

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